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Sedgwick County Caucuses

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Sedgwick County Democratic Women

Official chapter of the National Federation of Democratic Women and the Kansas Federation of Democratic Women. Our mission is to encourage and support Democratic women to run for local and state office. SCDW was founded in 1954.

President - Carolyn Marie Fugit 

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Sedgwick County Young Democrats

Sedgwick County Young Democrats educates, engages, and empowers young and underrepresented populations to create a political system that works for everyone.

President - Ariel Dillon

Sedgwick County                 Democratic Party

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505 South Broadway Wichita, KS 67202 |

Office hours by appointment only. Please call the office @ 316-234-1800 and leave a message.

Paid for by the Sedgwick County Democratic Party

Kristi Kirk, Chair   Michael Moeder, Treasurer

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