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Article I - Name and Location

Section 1 - Name

Section 2 - Location

The name of this organization shall be the Sedgwick County Democratic Central Committee, hereinafter referred to as The Central Committee.

The headquarters of the Central Committee shall be in Wichita, Kansas, and the place of regular and special meetings of the Central Committee shall be at such address or addresses in the County as may be designated by the Chairperson or Executive Committee.

Article II - Members

Section 1 - Members

Section 2 - Election of Members

Section 3 - Vacancies of the Office of Committeemen and Committeewomen

There shall be one man and one woman on the Central Committee for each voting precinct in Sedgwick County and they shall be known as Precinct committeemen and committeewomen.

The election of members shall be provided by the Statutes of the Sate of Kansas. The term shall be two (2) years.

In the event there is no election of a committeeman or committeewoman at the primary election held in said county, or a vacancy occurs for any reason after said primary election in any precinct, then the Chairperson and the Executive Committee shall be empowered to appoint some fully qualified person to serve as such committeeman or committeewoman for such vacancy, and thereupon he or she shall be the regular committeeman or committeewoman from such precinct until the next primary election and such person shall be enlisted to the same privileges, and accept the same obligations as those members elected at the primary election, provided, however, that any appointee may be removed by majority vote of the Executive Committee when in the judgment of that Committee such removal is in the best interest of the Party; further provided that no appointments shall be made between the period of the primary election and the election of the Central Committee Officers.

Acting committeemen or committeewomen may be appointed, but their official designation to the office will not be effective until the Central Committee has organized under the provisions of K.S.A. 25-3802 and after their appointments have been made by the newly elected Chairperson

Article III - Meetings of Members and Election of Officers

Section 1 - Biennial Meetings

Section 2 - Other Meetings

Section 3 - Notice of Meetings

Section 4 - Voting Qualifications

Section 5 - Quorum

Section 6 - Election of Officers and Manner of Voting

Section 7 - Order of Business at Biennial Meeting Shall Be

Section 8 - Robert's Rules

Every two years, there shall be held in Wichita, Kansas a biennial meeting of the Central Committee within fourteen (14) days after the primary election. At such meeting, the committee shall vote on whether to organize at that time by selecting a chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, treasurer and parliamentarian or whether to organize by electing such officers at a meeting to be held within two (2) weeks after the state general election.

There shall be such other meetings as shall, in the opinion of the Chairperson (or in the absence of the Chairperson, or a vacancy in the office of Chairperson, then by the Vice Chairperson) be desirable and the same shall be called by giving timely written notice to members of the Central Committee.

Other meetings shall also be called by the Chairperson upon the written request signed by a committeeman or committeewoman from each of twenty (20) precincts of the County and filed with the Secretary of the Central Committee within thirty (30) days from the date of request.

Notice of meetings shall be placed by first or third class mail in the United States Mail by the secretary of the Central Committee to all members of the Central Committee, addressed to the last known address of such person at least ten (10) days before the date of such meeting, given the time and place of the meeting, and as required by these By-laws, the business to be transacted at such meeting. It shall be the responsibility of the members of the Central Committee to at all keep their correct address registered with the Secretary of the Central Committee at all times.

At all meetings of the Central Committee only such person shall be entitled to vote as are duly elected at the primary election or appointed in accordance with these By-laws and are present at such meetings.

A proxy may be voted at any meeting if the person named proxy is a resident of the same precinct as the committeeman or committeewoman appointing such proxy. Each proxy shall be signed by the appointing committeeman or committeewoman and an adult witness other than the named proxy.


A proxy, executed as described above, may be submitted by electronic means (fax or e- mail, etc) if the member of the Central Committee making the appointment shall have first notified the Executive Director or County Party Chair in person or by phone that the proxy will be coming.

All proxies must be in the hands of the Executive Director or County Party Chair at least 24 hours before the start of the meeting at which the proxy will be used, in order to allow the Executive Director or Credentials Committee to determine the validity of the proxy.

In order to Constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business before the Central Committee, there shall be present at any meeting thirty percent (30%) of the total number of Committee members elected or appointed or fifty (50) duly qualified Committeemen or Committeewomen, whichever number is less, or their proxies.

A Credentials Committee shall be appointed by the Chairperson prior to the meeting, and the Committee shall determine qualifications for participation and voting. No member of the Credentials Committee shall be a candidate for a party office.

The election of all officers shall be by nomination from the floor and voting shall be by secret ballot. To be elected shall require a majority vote of those present and voting.


Voting on all other business before the Central Committee shall be by oral vote, except that the Chairman or any member of the Central Committee may call for a vote by ballot or by a show of hands.

Proof of notice of meeting.

Determination of quorum for the transaction of business.

Report of Credentials Committee.

Report of Rules Committee.

Reading and approval of minutes from preceding meeting, unless waived by a majority of those present.

Report of the Treasurer, unless waived by a majority of those present.

Election of officers.

Following election of officers, the Committee may consider other items of business consistent with Robert's Rules of Order.

The proceedings of all meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.

Article IV - Officers and Executive Committee

Section 1 - Officers

Section 2 - Vacancies

Section 3 - Proposed Appointments

Section 4 - Duties of Officers and Executive Committee

There shall be elected in accordance with these By-laws, a chairperson, a vice chairperson, a secretary, a treasurer and a parliamentarian, each for a term of two (2) years, provided however, that the chairperson and vice chairperson shall be opposite sex.

Any registered Democrat residing in Sedgwick County is eligible to be a candidate for election to any one of these offices.

Any vacancies not herein specifically provided for shall be filled in the same manner as that in which said officer was originally chosen, provided, however, that a vacancy in any office other than chairperson may be filled temporarily by appointment by a majority vote of the Executive Committee for the balance of that term, if for less than sixty (60) days. If the balance of that term shall exceed sixty (60) days, then the temporary appointment shall not exceed sixty (60) days and the chairperson shall call a special meeting of the Central Committee for the purpose of electing someone to fill that vacancy for the balance of that term. If the office of chairperson becomes vacant, then the vice chairperson shall call a special meeting of the Central Committee for the purpose of electing a chairperson at the earliest date possible (not to exceed thirty (30) days).

There shall be an Executive Committee, consisting of the chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and parliamentarian. The Chairperson and/or Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint other registered Democrats to assist the Central Committee in various projects or on temporary special committees as the need arises. Members shall serve on a volunteer basis.

The term of office for each member of the Executive Committee shall be until the next Biennial meeting, not to exceed two (2) years.

The Chairperson shall be the head of the Democratic Party in Sedgwick County, have direct charge of all party activities and party patronage, preside at all meetings of the Central Committee, Executive Committee meetings, and General Party meetings, and shall have all other duties and offices prescribed by the Statutes of the State of Kansas and the State Party Council.


The Vice Chairperson shall, in the absence or inability of the chairperson, perform all duties of the chairperson and shall have such other duties as shall from time to time be delegated by the chairperson and the Executive Committee or the Central Committee.


The Secretary shall keep accurate records of the names and addresses of all Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen, shall be charged with the duty of mailing all notices of meetings and other notices to Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen, file and keep all official papers, including the official copy of these By-laws, keep the minutes of all meetings of the Central Committee, officers, and Executive Committees, and shall have such other duties as may be prescribed by the Statutes of the State of Kansas, and delegate to such office by the Central Committee, the chairperson or the Executive Committee.


The Treasurer shall be a member of all financial committees, have charge of all monies of the Central Committee, and keep the same deposited to the credit of the Central Committee in some safe depository. A check register shall contain sufficient information as to identify the purpose of disbursement and the person, firm or corporation receiving payment. No check shall be written carte blanche and the treasurer may question the propriety of any payment and may bring the question to the Executive Committee if he deems it excessive, unreasonable, or unwarranted. Every check shall be signed by the treasurer and countersigned by the chairperson or vice chairperson. The treasurer shall give to the Central Committee good and sufficient bond in an amount set by the Executive Committee for the faithful performance of those duties. Costs for the bond shall be borne by the Central Committee. The treasurer shall make reports to the Central Committee at every meeting and shall make written reports available to Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen upon request, and shall have such other duties as are prescribed by the Statutes of the State of Kansas or may be delegated by the Central Committee, the Chairperson, or the Executive Committee.

The Parliamentarian shall advise upon contested rules of order arising at all meetings of the Central Committee in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, the By-laws, and State Statutes.


The Executive Committee shall participate in directing policies of the Democratic Party in and for Sedgwick County, aid the campaigns of all party nominees for office, and generally represent their respective areas when the Central Committee is not in session. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to assist the Chairperson to fill all vacancies for Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen. The Executive Committee shall have other duties as may be delegated to it by the Central Committee or by the Chairperson. A summary of Executive Committee meetings occurring between Central Committee meetings shall be maintained and reported.


Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen shall represent the Democratic Party in the precinct, assist in filling the positions on the election boards, assist in providing poll watchers in such precincts as the Executive Committee deems necessary, and assist the Executive Committee in such other activities and projects as they are asked and are able to perform. Officers of the Central Committee will not participate in the primary or pre-convention electioneering for county offices unless an individual officer is a candidate for such office. Officers of the Central Committee shall not permit their names to be used in support of any non-Democratic Party candidate in partisan elections.

Article V - Power of Amendment

Section 1 - Approval

Section 2 - Power of Amendment

These by-laws shall become the By-laws of the Sedgwick County Democratic Central Committee on an affirmative majority vote of the Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen (members of the Central Committee) present at a meeting called for that purpose as above prescribed, and the official copy of the same shall be signed by the chairperson of the meeting and by the secretary of the meeting.

These By-laws may be amended or new laws added by the Central Committee (if there are not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Kansas or the rules of the State Party Council of the Democratic Party) by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Central Committee who are present in person at a meeting called for that purpose and having a quorum as above defined.


The above is a true and correct copy of the By-laws of Sedgwick County Democratic Central Committee as amended and approved at a regular meeting of the Central Committee, held at the Sedgwick County Courthouse, Wichita, Kansas on September 24, 2011.

Sedgwick County                 Democratic Party

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505 South Broadway Wichita, KS 67202 |

Office hours by appointment only. Please call the office @ 316-234-1800 and leave a message.

Paid for by the Sedgwick County Democratic Party

Kristi Kirk, Chair   Michael Moeder, Treasurer

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